Saturday, May 28, 2011

RAW Talent

The string team from Tres Classique performed for the GStar RAW Store Opening recently. Known for its innovative and cutting edge style in the world of denim, G Star dressed our musicians in their designer gear, a modern take on our concert gowns and tails. The trio rocked it up, with rough and raw repertoire that included Augie March, Coldplay, Metallica, The Killers, Florence and the Machines, David Gray, Greenday, Train, Lifehouse, Jason Mraz, The Verve and the White T's. Double stopping, pizzicato's and phenomenal ricochet bowing , kept the sound distinct (and slightly unorthodox for a traditional string ensemble), creating the perfect 'funky' vibe for the All Star Event.
Click on the link above to view the 'other' celebrities enjoying our performance.
The artists performing on the night were Susannah Williams, Anna Sarcich and James Charles.
This picture was taken by the official photographer Don Kedgley, from Mosquito Graphic Design & Photography.