Tres Classique are a stylish, professional ensemble that create live background music for corporate events, private functions, weddings, parties and all special occasions. Elegant, sophisticated and versatile, they fuse classical instruments with popular and contemporary styles, performing music from a diverse and extensive repertoire ranging from Bach to the Black Eyed Peas.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Traditional Jewish Wedding Service
Prescott Court, situated in the surrounds of the University of Western Australia, was the pastoral setting for a beautiful Jewish Wedding Service. The Rabbi had a lilting voice and his traditionally sung blessings carried effortlessly around the gardens. Traditional music for a Jewish service we have performed for the Processional are Erev Shel Shoshanim, Yedid Nefesh, Dodi Li and for the Recessional Simon Tov, Chosen Kalle Mazel Tov and Od Yeshoma.